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Elke maand (omtrent) n paar fotos, stories of gedagtes uit my keyboard

Thursday, June 16, 2011


"Pastoriekapperjolle" is wat (ds) Karel Albrecht (2de van regs) geskryf het vir die posaansoek-vraag "Wat geniet jy die meeste?". As gevolg daarvan kry hy toe die pos - so dalk is dit nie 'n slegte opskrif vir die blog nie. Ek kom vanoggend eers terug na 3 dae in die Bosveld naby Marble Hall vir 'n predikante wegbreek.
Die afgelope maand het die Winter toegesak en is die meeste groen gras doodgeryp of doodgebrand.
Maar voordat die ergste koue ons met Pinksterweek kom slaan het, het ons eers 'n spinning sessie van 3 ure by die kerk deurgewerk en die volgende dag bakbeen 'n 'Om-die-wêreld-basaar' kafgedraf. Johan & Gill would be proud of me and my colleague's choice of nationality. Petra and het friends served pap and wors from Lesotho. I don't want to count how many dollars the children spent in Walt-Disney Games in the church hall.

Ill close with a triple bragging session on Annika:
1) A Gold Plus (=100%) dance certificate. Comment of the (independent) judges: You are so neat and exact about every move! Loved the energy and personality! Too cute for words! Excellent.
2) A Second place and silver certificate in her grade's "Welsprekenheidskompetisie". She was very brave to do her "Geluide" speach without notes, the judges said.
3) Her teacher, and eventually even the headmaster was very impressed by her Rob-Taak. Actually, Petra and I was probably more impressed, seeing that we designed it etc...
Eduan's ear is having problems again, but basically we're surviving the winter so far


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