An English Tail
Why an English tale? Sommer! I can speak in any tale I want to, cant I? Or maybe Im inspired by the kids' newest favouritew video: "Asterix en de Britten". (In Nederlands, ja?). Anyway, let me spin this koggelmander's tale and hope Gill wouldnt need too much translating.
It has been a wild and busy month. We could, however, fit in someof the usual stuff. Like Annika saving a life or 2 just like her peetpa (our koggelmander, eg, fell into the deathtrap of our swimming pool.)
The Treehouse and the trampoline obviously featured as well, but this time with a visiting tannie Adri from Abu-Dhabi to make it picture-perfect. It was great fun having you over, A3!
The days, especially the weekends were hectic at church. I had 2 FULL weekends of Youthwork training (with the junior sunday school teachers)
and 2 weeks later a jnr youthcamp at a lovely place called Rocky Valley. And it was Annika's first youthcamp ever! At times things seemed a bit to much for her (like the late nights), but she and everyone else enjoyed it immensely. For me it was a wonderful experience of the Lord working without (maybe because of... :-) ) any real involvement from the clever dominee. The quality and enthousiasm of the people and the depth and fun of the program was incredible.
On top of that, a lot of people in the congregation became ill (and worse) the previous month. With one less pastor it was quite hectic at times. But still we're surviving. (Maybe thats the reason I'm writing this in a break while being in bed most of the time due to flue.)
Petra has been very busy the last month as well. With the momentum of the Clarens computer-lab behind her, she has a new scheme. Selling rebuild computers with a a wonderful open-source educational package. Until end May the the proceeds would go to our church. It has a lot of potential and it seems that the fish are allready biting! Thanks to Ma Rika, Pa Dirk and Chrissie for your support.
Meanwhile die oumense has been very busy as well. Pa Dirk is putting the final (?) touches on his new kitchen.
At this stage he is still blaming me for the idea of breaking down the corridor's wall. But I'm sure the thanks would flow in later. (Actually the thanks already came in flowing for the last few years - we ourselve have a new kitchen and en-suite by the artist himself).
And Pa Dons eventually came round with his threats and bough himself a 4x4 to take a shortcut to Pietermaritzburgh through Sani.
Gepraat van Sani. Im very proud of my sussie's succesful attempt at the Sani. Flower-power rules!
This is this and that is that. (No need to argue that - or this). End of tail.
If you would just permit me one last attempt at bragging: We found a wonderful artwork in our attic. After we framed it, it looks really good. Maybe some of you know something about the artist(s). It might be worth millions some day. Actually it is worth millions allready - only in Zimbabwe.
And the sometimes customary Wondernuus voorblad:
‘n Kruis van as
Ek kom nou pas saam met ‘n ouderling vanaf Holy Cross Hospice af. Ons gemeente is al jare lank by Holy Cross betrokke. Baie van ons lidmate se ouers was (of is) daar woonagtig. Weekliks op Sondae hou van ons ouderlinge om die beurt daar ’n diensie in hulle sitkamer. Vandag wou ons by twee oumense gaan inloer. Met die een kon ons (teen verwagtings in) lekker gesels en saambid. Maar die ander oom was nie meer daar nie. Hy het oorgeskuif na die ander kant toe. Of miskien moet ek dit met hoofletters skryf: “Die Ander Kant.”
As dinge te groot is vir ons om te verstaan of te kan hanteer, skryf ons dit in ons koppe dikwels met hoofletters neer. Dood, Lyding, Benoudheid. Die slimkoppe kan baie antwoorde gee, maar die vraag bly karring as jy al weer met die hoofletters te doen kry.
Dit was vandag ook Aswoensdag by Holy Cross. Ek moes eers een non in die gang jammerkry dat sy haar voorkop misgewas het die oggend. Maar in sister Mary se kamer herinner sy my van die Katolieke gebruik wat sy pad ook na ons kerk begin terugkry. Hierdie oggend het die vader van Holy Cross die as van laas jaar se palmtakke (van palmsondag) met ’n bietjie water gemeng. En soos elkeen voor hom gaan staan, doop hy sy vinger in die mengsel en maak ’n grys kruis op die voorkop voor hom. Met die hoofletter-woorde wat oor en oor uit sy mond kom:
“From ashes you have come and to ashes you will return”
Aswoensdag is die begin van die 40 dae van lydenstyd wat eindig met Paasfees. Lydenstyd is die groot opbou na die klimaks van die Christus-storie wat ons elke dag leef. Ons stoei en weet daar moet mos iets beter wees in die lewe as hierdie siekte en gesukkelry. Ons tel ons kruise op en oor die onegalige kobbelstene en grond stap ons so skuins agter Jesus. Hy loop val-val die opdraende uit net soos ons. Nêrens is daar ’n groter sug as mense wat in die grys as van bekommernis en dood sit nie. Maar nêrens is ons nader aan Jesus nie. Ons sug met ons kruise. Maar ná die kruis...
Romeine 8:35-39
35 Wie kan ons van die liefde van Christus skei? Lyding of benoudheid of vervolging, honger of naaktheid, gevaar of swaard? 36 Daar staan immers geskrywe: “Dit is oor U dat die dood ons dag vir dag bedreig, dat ons soos slagskape behandel word.” 37 Maar in al hierdie dinge is ons meer as oorwinnaars deur Hom wat vir ons liefhet. 38 Hiervan is ek oortuig: geen dood of lewe of engele of magte of teenswoordige of toekomstige dinge of kragte 39 of hoogte of diepte of enigiets anders in die skepping kan ons van die liefde van God skei nie, die liefde wat daar is in Christus Jesus ons Here.
It has been a wild and busy month. We could, however, fit in someof the usual stuff. Like Annika saving a life or 2 just like her peetpa (our koggelmander, eg, fell into the deathtrap of our swimming pool.)
The Treehouse and the trampoline obviously featured as well, but this time with a visiting tannie Adri from Abu-Dhabi to make it picture-perfect. It was great fun having you over, A3!
The days, especially the weekends were hectic at church. I had 2 FULL weekends of Youthwork training (with the junior sunday school teachers)
and 2 weeks later a jnr youthcamp at a lovely place called Rocky Valley. And it was Annika's first youthcamp ever! At times things seemed a bit to much for her (like the late nights), but she and everyone else enjoyed it immensely. For me it was a wonderful experience of the Lord working without (maybe because of... :-) ) any real involvement from the clever dominee. The quality and enthousiasm of the people and the depth and fun of the program was incredible.
On top of that, a lot of people in the congregation became ill (and worse) the previous month. With one less pastor it was quite hectic at times. But still we're surviving. (Maybe thats the reason I'm writing this in a break while being in bed most of the time due to flue.)
Petra has been very busy the last month as well. With the momentum of the Clarens computer-lab behind her, she has a new scheme. Selling rebuild computers with a a wonderful open-source educational package. Until end May the the proceeds would go to our church. It has a lot of potential and it seems that the fish are allready biting! Thanks to Ma Rika, Pa Dirk and Chrissie for your support.
Meanwhile die oumense has been very busy as well. Pa Dirk is putting the final (?) touches on his new kitchen.
At this stage he is still blaming me for the idea of breaking down the corridor's wall. But I'm sure the thanks would flow in later. (Actually the thanks already came in flowing for the last few years - we ourselve have a new kitchen and en-suite by the artist himself).
And Pa Dons eventually came round with his threats and bough himself a 4x4 to take a shortcut to Pietermaritzburgh through Sani.
Gepraat van Sani. Im very proud of my sussie's succesful attempt at the Sani. Flower-power rules!
This is this and that is that. (No need to argue that - or this). End of tail.
If you would just permit me one last attempt at bragging: We found a wonderful artwork in our attic. After we framed it, it looks really good. Maybe some of you know something about the artist(s). It might be worth millions some day. Actually it is worth millions allready - only in Zimbabwe.
And the sometimes customary Wondernuus voorblad:
‘n Kruis van as
Ek kom nou pas saam met ‘n ouderling vanaf Holy Cross Hospice af. Ons gemeente is al jare lank by Holy Cross betrokke. Baie van ons lidmate se ouers was (of is) daar woonagtig. Weekliks op Sondae hou van ons ouderlinge om die beurt daar ’n diensie in hulle sitkamer. Vandag wou ons by twee oumense gaan inloer. Met die een kon ons (teen verwagtings in) lekker gesels en saambid. Maar die ander oom was nie meer daar nie. Hy het oorgeskuif na die ander kant toe. Of miskien moet ek dit met hoofletters skryf: “Die Ander Kant.”
As dinge te groot is vir ons om te verstaan of te kan hanteer, skryf ons dit in ons koppe dikwels met hoofletters neer. Dood, Lyding, Benoudheid. Die slimkoppe kan baie antwoorde gee, maar die vraag bly karring as jy al weer met die hoofletters te doen kry.
Dit was vandag ook Aswoensdag by Holy Cross. Ek moes eers een non in die gang jammerkry dat sy haar voorkop misgewas het die oggend. Maar in sister Mary se kamer herinner sy my van die Katolieke gebruik wat sy pad ook na ons kerk begin terugkry. Hierdie oggend het die vader van Holy Cross die as van laas jaar se palmtakke (van palmsondag) met ’n bietjie water gemeng. En soos elkeen voor hom gaan staan, doop hy sy vinger in die mengsel en maak ’n grys kruis op die voorkop voor hom. Met die hoofletter-woorde wat oor en oor uit sy mond kom:
“From ashes you have come and to ashes you will return”
Aswoensdag is die begin van die 40 dae van lydenstyd wat eindig met Paasfees. Lydenstyd is die groot opbou na die klimaks van die Christus-storie wat ons elke dag leef. Ons stoei en weet daar moet mos iets beter wees in die lewe as hierdie siekte en gesukkelry. Ons tel ons kruise op en oor die onegalige kobbelstene en grond stap ons so skuins agter Jesus. Hy loop val-val die opdraende uit net soos ons. Nêrens is daar ’n groter sug as mense wat in die grys as van bekommernis en dood sit nie. Maar nêrens is ons nader aan Jesus nie. Ons sug met ons kruise. Maar ná die kruis...
Romeine 8:35-39
35 Wie kan ons van die liefde van Christus skei? Lyding of benoudheid of vervolging, honger of naaktheid, gevaar of swaard? 36 Daar staan immers geskrywe: “Dit is oor U dat die dood ons dag vir dag bedreig, dat ons soos slagskape behandel word.” 37 Maar in al hierdie dinge is ons meer as oorwinnaars deur Hom wat vir ons liefhet. 38 Hiervan is ek oortuig: geen dood of lewe of engele of magte of teenswoordige of toekomstige dinge of kragte 39 of hoogte of diepte of enigiets anders in die skepping kan ons van die liefde van God skei nie, die liefde wat daar is in Christus Jesus ons Here.
At 2:22 AM , LA said...
lekker gelees hieraan, dankie :)
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