Family Matters
Family matters. It does AND there were a lot of it on both sides of the Mountain View family trees.
First on the Kritz side: The McKritzinger's visit is now something of the past and allready we're looking forward to the next one. We had a lovely weekend at Clarens as the 4 gesinne-families came together. And except for the fact that my bebearded family member (no names) tripped E to cut his eye on a chair, there was no real mishaps. WhileLillie the giraffe makes sure that no dinosaurs could step on us, our way was open for all kind of family-building activities.
Like vrot-eier (rotten egg doesn't translate well, I think!), Nina's birthday (3!), eating and kuiering, dinosaur hunting,
And of course Edustationing. P & J bonded around the computers of Tsepong to install version 3. And the cousins had there share as well.
A real highlight was that Johan and co slept 3 nights over at our place. It was so nice to bond with the girls (and they with our dogs and the dogs with their cake). And sipping red wine in the evenings is never a bad idea. We also had a braai at the Wollies together with some of the other Kritze - the excuse being big brother's 40st birthday.
And then the Grobler-branch of the family with a lot of family-matters as well!
Pa Dirk word toe 60. En hoe kan dit lekkerder wees as met Herman en Muriel ook daar? Die antwoord is: As die Avenants ook daar sou wees.
Tannie M se ipad was natuurlik 'n groot hit vir die kinners en het vinnig op hulle altwee se verjaarsdaglysies gekom. (Ons moes maar dubbel-duidelik verduidelik dat dit NIE beteken dat hulle dit gaan kry nie). Hier is 'n prentjie wat A daarop geteken het.
Die hartseer familie-saak is dat Herman en Adrie uitmekaar is. Al wil mens dit nie eintlik op die wêreldwye web rondstrooi nie, is dit 'n groot deel van ons lewens. Sterkte Herrie!
Maar daarmee saam gaan M en A se verhouding 'n nuwe dimensie in! Baie seën vir julle daar in die hol-lande, liggie!
Ten slotte: Die jaar is besig om spoed op te tel na die einde toe. Vashoouuuuu.......
First on the Kritz side: The McKritzinger's visit is now something of the past and allready we're looking forward to the next one. We had a lovely weekend at Clarens as the 4 gesinne-families came together. And except for the fact that my bebearded family member (no names) tripped E to cut his eye on a chair, there was no real mishaps. WhileLillie the giraffe makes sure that no dinosaurs could step on us, our way was open for all kind of family-building activities.
Like vrot-eier (rotten egg doesn't translate well, I think!), Nina's birthday (3!), eating and kuiering, dinosaur hunting,
And of course Edustationing. P & J bonded around the computers of Tsepong to install version 3. And the cousins had there share as well.
A real highlight was that Johan and co slept 3 nights over at our place. It was so nice to bond with the girls (and they with our dogs and the dogs with their cake). And sipping red wine in the evenings is never a bad idea. We also had a braai at the Wollies together with some of the other Kritze - the excuse being big brother's 40st birthday.
And then the Grobler-branch of the family with a lot of family-matters as well!
Pa Dirk word toe 60. En hoe kan dit lekkerder wees as met Herman en Muriel ook daar? Die antwoord is: As die Avenants ook daar sou wees.
Tannie M se ipad was natuurlik 'n groot hit vir die kinners en het vinnig op hulle altwee se verjaarsdaglysies gekom. (Ons moes maar dubbel-duidelik verduidelik dat dit NIE beteken dat hulle dit gaan kry nie). Hier is 'n prentjie wat A daarop geteken het.
Die hartseer familie-saak is dat Herman en Adrie uitmekaar is. Al wil mens dit nie eintlik op die wêreldwye web rondstrooi nie, is dit 'n groot deel van ons lewens. Sterkte Herrie!
Maar daarmee saam gaan M en A se verhouding 'n nuwe dimensie in! Baie seën vir julle daar in die hol-lande, liggie!
Ten slotte: Die jaar is besig om spoed op te tel na die einde toe. Vashoouuuuu.......