Koue camping
OK, I lied. No Namibia version. But a lot of other good stuff. Having missed Namibia for now, we decided to make the most of the holiday and organise a few days camping in the warm Bushveld. Sondela, near Warmbaths (Bela-Bela nowadays). The weather didnt turn out so hot, but the rest definitely was a big success. (Except for the Bafana game against Uruguy). It is the perfect camping place, especially for kids. When we arrived, a lot of sheep and lambs grased our campsite - just imagine! Later the day we went to feed rehabilitated wildlife just across the road!
In die laaste foto sien julle ook ons nuwe Hyundai Matrix. 'n Lieflike kar met groot spasie agterin - Ons het juis gister sy nommerplaat gekry (ZJD something). En dan was daar nog perdry, swem in die warmwater, koeie melk (my eerste keer) en trekkerwaentjie ry in die oggend. Soos ek sĂȘ: idilies.
En nog eet, fietsry, en die mak koedoe (Daisy) vertroetel. Alhoewel, al Eduan se aandag het haar blykbaar nie beindruk nie.
Ons 60s basaar is ook iets van die verlede and was great fun. Guess who won the "Best Dresses Couple Award 2010"? The Maralyn on the left is actually Petra. And you should have seen us boogie!
And I had my second meeting of my Spiritual Direction course with all those interesting people (checking out the labarynth below). It was 5 days on the Enneagram - a sort of psychological/personality tool which is 4500 years old! Very interesting maar dit krap nogal diep aan jou. Vir die fam en vriende in die Noorde: Geniet julle somer - julle beurt vir winter kom ook en dan gaan JULLE suffer.
Met koue tikvingers - cheers.